The Best Umbrella Base Depends On The Type of Umbrella
If you have found yourself wondering how to secure your patio umbrella, you’re not alone. Fear no more that a poorly secured umbrella will take off with a slight gust of wind. The large canopy size of outdoor umbrellas does make them somewhat like a giant kite, ready and waiting to catch the wind. Air vents in the canopy do help with allowing the wind through but in strong gusts, this may not be enough.
The majority of outdoor umbrellas do not come with a suitably weighted stand or base weights, even though they all require one. So in addition to your umbrella purchase, be sure to allow funds to purchase the best umbrella base and weights for your particular umbrella.

Our Top Umbrella Stands and Base Weights
Looking For An 11ft Patio Umbrella With Solar Lights
When considering which outdoor umbrella base or weights to purchase there are a few questions to consider:
1. What style of umbrella do you have?
Is it a centre pole umbrella or a cantilever umbrella? The weight needed to secure each style of umbrella will be different and the way the base functions will be different. Most cantilever umbrellas have a cross bar base that can be mounted to a deck, however if the umbrella is to be freestanding, sufficient base weights will need to be added to the cross bars. A centre pole umbrella can be used in a table or freestanding. Some base weights are designed just for use with an umbrella in a table, as the table holds the umbrella vertically, whereas a weighted umbrella stand allows the umbrella to be freestanding.
2. How much weight do you need?
It is generally advised to multiply the canopy diameter by 10 to determine the minimum base weight required. This tends to be a more suitable calculation for centre pole umbrellas. When purchasing a cantilever umbrella it is best to check the recommended base weights for that particular umbrella, particuluarly with large cantilever umbrellas. The larger the canopy the more weight will be required to secure the umbrella and some 12′ cantilever umbrellas can require up to 250lbs in base weights.
3. Do you want to move the umbrella around or will it be a permanent fixture?
If you wish to move the umbrella around, a base with wheels may be what you are after, although these can be quite heavy when filled. If you have a timber or composite deck on your patio, you may wish to secure your outdoor umbrella directly to your deck with bolts. However, this may leave your deck with holes if you move your umbrella in the future.
4. Is there a particular style that will best suit your outdoor area?
Some of the best umbrella base designs can be quite unique and may suit some backyards more than others. Some bases come in different colors and designs, some are low profile designed to be quite subtle, whilst others may be a feature with a table top or a planter box. The climate where you live may also affect the type of base you choose.
5. Do you want a DIY solution or will you purchase a base?
There area a few DIY solutions for securing outdoor umbrellas, such as mounting the umbrella or using an umbrella anchor. Or umbrella bases and weghts can be purchased. If you are going with a DIY solution be sure it will have the necessary weight to secure the umbrella.
The Best Umbrella Base for You
The best umbrella base for you depends on the style and size of the umbrella you have, your ground surface and the way you will use the umbrella. In safely securing your umbrella you can turn your patio into a modern entertaining area all year round and be comfortably shaded in the heat of summer. Your umbrella base can be a feature for your patio or have it subtly blend in to the background whilst it protects your umbrella.
Ensure that your patio umbrella isn’t a hazard to you or your family and that it won’t be damaged by a freak gust of wind. Securing your umbrella with a suitably weighted base is essential and a quality outdoor umbrella cover will also help protect the canopy from damage and fading. If you have been thinking about how to secure a patio umbrella, get started on your project today and you will be relaxing and enjoying the shade of your new patio umbrella in no time.